Thursday, December 31, 2009

keep asking questions (always)

get in touch with the wildness inside

stay present

who knows what the future will bring

keep it together (in other words, don't lose your head) :-)

be nice to animals

pay attention to the little things

face your fears

and be kind to yourself while you do

embrace your dark side

honor your feelings (they are there to teach you something)

be patient

remember that everyone is dealing with their own struggles

remember, it's ok to not know

do what you can

it will be enough

focus on what matters :-)

ask for help if you need some

eat more sushi (or whatever it is that tingles your tastebuds)

watch more sunsets

(or sunrises for you morning people) :-)

take more naps

stop putting it off (you know what i'm talking about)

take some risks (i know i say this every year) :-)

remember and honor those who have passed on

still miss you Mom! xoxo

be silly (often)

follow YOUR path

remember to smell the flowers

go someplace you've never been

(then get lost there) :-)


learn a new skill

have interesting conversations

let it go

take responsibility for your life

go to the doctor for a physical (gulp, or a colonoscopy)

keep your eyes on the road (that goes for you texters!)

keep seeing the world with fresh eyes

"The world looks different now that mom has cancer."
acrylic on masonite, 2007

do a lot of this

be more affectionate :-)

Be grateful for all that you have.

And have the best year ever! Love and blessings to you. :-)